Buffalo seasons Awareness in life

Finding the power in Myth: Hecate, Goddess of Illumination

Finding the power in Myth: Hecate, Goddess of Illumination

By embodying Hecate’s attributes and drawing lessons from her mythology, women can find strength, wisdom, and empowerment to navigate their own journeys with confidence and agency. Like all of us in different periods of our life, Hecate stands at the crossroads. Connecting to our inner Self through meditation and active imagination, we can gain inspiration from ancient archetypes and mythological figures such as Hecate as we bravely navigate our own paths, accept the weight of our choices and the responsibility of creating our own essence.

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I See You, Anger
Mindfulness, Depth Psychotherapy Lisa Rainwater Mindfulness, Depth Psychotherapy Lisa Rainwater

I See You, Anger

Where does your anger live? Does it hold court in your belly? Does it wrap around your heart like a corset? Or is it so pervasive that it flows through your veins like Valvoline in a Formula 1 race car? If you’re like me, it might live in all those places and even a few I’m yet unaware of. Anger is alive in all of us—even when we try to ignore it. Even when social norms and expectations tell us anger is unacceptable. Over the next few weeks, I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery where the dark sides of you reveal you unveiled.

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