Buffalo seasons Awareness in life

How Narrative Therapy Can Reduce Perseverating Thoughts.
Anxiety Lisa Rainwater Anxiety Lisa Rainwater

How Narrative Therapy Can Reduce Perseverating Thoughts.

Perseverating thoughts are the persistent, repetitive thoughts that can dominate our mental landscape—perhaps feeling like a broken record, running on an endless loop, often leaving us feeling stuck and overwhelmed. These thoughts may revolve around a particular worry, fear, regret, or trauma, and their constant presence can interfere with daily functioning and well-being. Narrative Therapy can help you get unstuck.

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Reducing Anxiety through Paradoxical Intention
Anxiety, Logotherapy Lisa Rainwater Anxiety, Logotherapy Lisa Rainwater

Reducing Anxiety through Paradoxical Intention

Viktor Frankl's concept of paradoxical intention is a therapeutic technique in which individuals intentionally engage in or exaggerate the very thoughts, behaviors, or symptoms they fear or wish to avoid. By doing so, they break the cycle of anxiety and anticipatory tension that typically makes the feared outcome more likely. The principle behind this approach is that fear often intensifies when we try to avoid it, and by paradoxically embracing or confronting the fear, the emotional response weakens.

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Making Friends with One’s Anxiety …
Anxiety, Depth Psychotherapy Lisa Rainwater Anxiety, Depth Psychotherapy Lisa Rainwater

Making Friends with One’s Anxiety …

Managing anxiety can be approached with a variety of techniques that help externalize and reduce the mental load. Engaging in mindfulness can significantly reduce anxiety by fostering greater awareness and acceptance of the present moment. Through practices like meditation, deep breathing, and mindful observation, individuals learn to observe their thoughts and emotions without being overwhelmed by them. This shift in perspective helps break the cycle of anxious thinking, allowing for a more grounded and calm response to stress. By cultivating a non-judgmental attitude toward thoughts and feelings, mindfulness empowers people to respond to anxiety with compassion and clarity, rather than fear or avoidance, ultimately leading to improved emotional well-being and resilience.

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