Buffalo seasons Awareness in life

A White Buffalo is born
Resilience, Buffalos, History, Legends Lisa Rainwater Resilience, Buffalos, History, Legends Lisa Rainwater

A White Buffalo is born

On June 4th, a white buffalo calf was discovered in the Lamar Valley in the northeastern corner of Yellowstone National Park. The birth of a white buffalo calf with black nose, eyes and hooves is a rare occurrence and holds spiritual significance for American Plains Indian tribes.

The American buffalo, or bison, has a storied history intertwined with the ecology and culture of North America. Roaming the continent for thousands of years, the buffalo thrived in diverse environments from the Great Plains to the eastern forests and as far south as Mexico. With estimated populations between 30-60 million, these majestic animals were integral to the way of life for many Native American tribes. For the Plains tribes, in particular, the buffalo was vital, providing food, clothing, shelter, and tools, shaping their nomadic lifestyle and cultural practices.

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Be the buffalo & Head Into the Storm
Wellbeing, Resilience Lisa Rainwater Wellbeing, Resilience Lisa Rainwater

Be the buffalo & Head Into the Storm

Resilience is your ability to rebound from life challenges—not by avoiding them—but by facing them head on like the buffalo. The American Bison, also known as the Buffalo, serves well as a metaphor for resilience. While domesticated cattle try to outrun a storm, buffalo instinctually know that to outrun a storm is impossible. They face the storm head on and are rewarded for their strength and ability to rebound: Buffalo suffer less, conserve energy, and spend far less time in the freezing rain, drizzle, high winds, snow, and more. In contrast, domesticated cattle suffer longer, exert more energy, and spend more time in the chaotic rise and fall of a storm. Human storms can arise from myriad wells: Infidelity or mistrust in a marriage, the death of a loved one, panic attacks of unknown origins, depression, existential angst, or a major life transition. Yet, there is purpose and meaning beyond ourselves in such storms; it is that which can be understood.

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