Buffalo seasons Awareness in life

Anticipatory Grief & The 3 E’s of Self-Compassion
Grief, Loss, Anticipatory Grief Lisa Rainwater Grief, Loss, Anticipatory Grief Lisa Rainwater

Anticipatory Grief & The 3 E’s of Self-Compassion

Caregiving is an heroic act that needs more recognition and support. From spouses to adult children to pet parents and veterinarians to nurses and physicians, the level of care provided to one living with a serious health condition takes an existential toll.

In this blog series, I explore the life of caregivers and offer tips on how to walk the noble road while maintaining one’s emotional, cognitive, and physiological health. This week, we look at anticipatory grief and its impact on the mind, body, and spirit. We then review the 3 E’s of Self-Compassion: Expression, Engagement, and Empowerment and their protective factors for those experiencing anticipatory grief.

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