Buffalo seasons Awareness in life

Bridges & Boundaries: Relational Wellbeing
Relationships, Wellbeing Lisa Rainwater Relationships, Wellbeing Lisa Rainwater

Bridges & Boundaries: Relational Wellbeing

Relationships spread across family (parents, siblings, spouses/partners, children, grandparents, etc.); work (co-workers, bosses, supervisors, contractors, consultants, clients, patients, etc.); friends (school, college, sports, arts, etc.); and community (neighborhoods, spiritual / religious, collectives, groups, volunteerism, etc.).

In our post-modern 21st century world—comprised of social media influencers, online gaming, work-from-home opportunities, live coverage of wars being waged, artificial intelligence, and fallout from the global coronavirus pandemic, to name but a few—humanity’s relational wellness has been threatened.

And the threats are real.

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